Spiritual mobilization

South Sudan, in contrast to the strictly Muslim Republic of Sudan, is a rather Christian country. Sorcery and occultism are nevertheless widespread.

In South Sudan and beyond the country's borders, Jesus Christ is not yet known in many areas. Together with our local partner, we feel a strong mandate to reach out to these very regions and bring the Gospel. Key evangelists and pastors plant and serve new churches. A central element of our work in South Sudan is to train and send out such key people. The training centers in Maban and the capital Juba, among others, follow this purpose. In a sequence of training and practical assignments, the leaders are prepared for work.

Another important element is equipping the evangelists with vehicles or motorcycles and helping newly planted churches to build meeting places. Often a tin roof helps to protect against rain, the further extension is financed by the congregations’ own funds.

AVC finances the translation of the Bible into the language of the Fur. The writings of the New Testament and individual books of the Old Testament are available in written form as PDF downloads. The New Testament has already been printed and is currently being distributed.
»I am on my way to bring the Good News to the unreached people groups in the far-flung areas of South Sudan. Recently, over 2000 people started a new life with Jesus. Among them, 17 wizards.«
S., AVC Evangelist
March 16 2024
Chance für traumatisierte Kinder
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April 27 2023
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May 29 2022
Wasser ist Zukunft
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May 24 2022
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April 05 2022
Auf Wiedersehen, Bashir!
Wir nehmen Abschied von unserem jahrelangen Partner und Freund, Pastor Bashir. Uns erreichte die Nachricht, dass er in der Nacht auf Montag nach g ...
February 02 2022
Zerstörerische Fluten
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