»Many people don't know what millions of Christians are going through in areas of persecution. That's why education is so important, so that together we can stand up for them!«
»Many people don't know what millions of Christians are going through in areas of persecution. That's why education is so important, so that together we can stand up for them!«

Sunday of the Persecuted Church

Standing up for persecuted Christians

Christians are the most persecuted faith group in the world. In many countries, the right to religious freedom is still disregarded. Moreover, persecution of Christians is on the rise worldwide, whether by followers of other religions or by totalitarian regimes. Behind the unfathomable number of over 360 million persecuted Christians are moving individual fates; people who suffer day after day simply because they follow Jesus.

On the first two Sundays in November, Persecuted Church Sunday (also known as Persecuted Christians Sunday) draws attention to precisely this and mobilizes support for the afflicted. This is also a matter close to our ACP hearts. We invite you to be a part of the Sunday of the Persecuted Church. Whether as a congregation, as a family or as an individua – persecuted Christians need our support.

Pray with us, make a difference! You can find current country information and prayer requests from november 2024 in our prayer booklet »Seven days of prayer for persecuted Christians«. The booklet can of course be used throughout the year for praying along. (in German and French)

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