»This is one of the most beautiful days in my life! My sisters and I received a Christmas package for the first time in our lives. Thank you, I am so happy!«
»This is one of the most beautiful days in my life! My sisters and I received a Christmas package for the first time in our lives. Thank you, I am so happy!«

Christmas gift campaign

Every year, tens of thousands of people from Switzerland give presents to people in need in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. The Christmas parcels trigger a gratitude and joy that can hardly be put into words. In addition to the contents, the gifts bring hope to thousands of recipients. For people living below the subsistence level, for the sick, the disabled, the lonely and for people on the fringes of society, they have priceless value. And last but not least, the gifts are a sign of practical, Christian love. 

Joy, packed on site
Homemade parcels from Switzerland are wonderful! Unfortunately, stricter customs and import conditions in the destination countries have made transportation more difficult for us in recent years. That's why we have looked for new ways - and found them! Join in and support the Christmas parcel campaign with a “local parcel”.

Our sustainable alternative Our sustainable alternative to packing your own parcels: Your donation enables our partners to buy the products for a parcel from regional traders. In this way, you support local companies in Eastern Europe, we save time-consuming transport and customs costs, and even more people experience a Christmas surprise.

With CHF 20.- you finance a local parcel. Thank you very much!

A Christmas parcel touches the recipient deeply - even more so if it is the first Christmas present ever and contains not only the urgently needed contents but also God's love... (Video in german)

A Christmas parcel touches the recipient deeply - even more so if it is the first Christmas present ever and contains not only the urgently needed contents but also God's love... (Video in german)
Impressions from the distribution campaigns in different countries

For all information about the Christmas gift campaign:

AVC Hanspeter Lehmann
Your contact
Hanspeter Lehmann, Fundraising & Partner support
+41 32 356 00 86 |
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