Church planting in the eternal ice

Temperatures as low as minus 60° Celsius make survival difficult - and the ministry of those who bring the Good News to peoples in the far reaches of Siberia and beyond the Arctic Circle.

We have been working in Siberia since 1994. And since 2006, we have been making regular forays through perpetual ice. Behind the Arctic Circle live about 70 unreached ethnic groups that are on the verge of extinction. Some of these groups have only 200 people left. Their villages are scattered, with an average of 500 to 800 kilometers between them.

Alcohol is the No. 1 killer here and serves as a form of currency; there are no cash or credit cards. Everything is exchanged for highly sought-after spirits. Anyone who survives a drunken brawl can easily fall victim to a quarrel, because reaching for weapons is almost a reflex here. Medical care is non-existent, and the simplest diseases multiply the graves. Thus these peoples die out little by little.

Jesus can turn the fate of these people around. They too have the right to hear the Good News and receive new life. That is why we are doing everything we can to plant churches in their villages. However, this requires dedicated and courageous people who are willing to go there - and stay. Our Bible school in Angarsk, founded in 1997, is a kind of base camp and junior forge for young people.
»A village on the Polar Sea. We ask a couple for directions, strike up a conversation with them. They want to know who we are, where we come from and what brought us here. On our answer the woman says: ›This Jesus must be an important God, that you are ready to travel so far for him.‹ Whereupon both kneel down and ask us urgently to stay at least one evening and to tell them about this God. This turns our (time) plan upside down - but how could we refuse such a request? So the man gathers 40 villagers, six of whom accept Jesus Christ that evening.«
Andreas Berglesow, AVC-Missionar
April 20 2024
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January 30 2023
Unterwegs durch Frost und Eis
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Gemeinsam für Gottes Reich
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Die Tofen in Sibirien wurde erst 1994 entdeckt. Heute gehören nur noch rund 500 Leute zu diesem vom Aussterben bedrohten Volk. Arbeitsplätze gibt ...
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