August 01 2021

Vital aid for people in the war zone

Thanks to the help of Philips Foundation and Hospitainer Holland, the first dialysis clinic in Kobane Canton in the Rojava region of Syria was opened in July 2021 with the participation of the municipal government, the Minister of Social Affairs and the media.

To this end, AVC has purchased additional land and built the necessary infrastructure in the form of reception and rest rooms for dialysis patients on it. The two medical containers (one of which stores the medical equipment for treating the patients) are used to treat 6 - 8 patients a day, who would otherwise have to travel over 150 km of rough roads to receive treatment. An effort that can now be avoided in view of the lack of vehicles, bad roads and other dangers. With the new dialysis equipment, 936 to a maximum of 1258 patients can be kept alive each year!

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