A home for homeless children
Moldova is also known as the "poorhouse of Europe". The per capita income in this country is just CHF 200 per month, around 20 times less than in Switzerland. One of the most glaring signs of Moldova's poverty is the way people live there. In many cases, people live far out in the country and thus far away from any civilization. There is neither electricity nor running water. Firewood for heating is also usually scarce, while temperatures in winter drop to -30°C. There is no opportunity for a job and it is too far to drive to the nearest market with garden products and the roads are in a catastrophic condition.
In Moldova, an hour away from the capital, our partner has set up a home for orphans with the support of AVC. It is run by a couple who live in the house with the children and organize a daily routine that comes as close as possible to "family life". In addition, all the other children in the village are offered help with chores and a daily lunch - the only meal of the day for most of them.
In the in-house workshop, the children can pursue their individual interests and acquire new skills. We are seeing great progress: some of the oldest teenagers are already in vocational training. As the work with the children is going very well and there is a need for more places, the time has come to double the space.

Area 34 000 km2
Population 3,3 Mio
Life expectancy 72 years
Child mortality 12 (per 1000)
Alphabetization 99 %
90 % Orthodox
3 % Other Christians
7 % Unspecified
(Video in German)
(Video in German)
A factsheet for this project can be downloaded here. For further information and for a project presentation, please contact us. Thank you very much.

Your contact
Daniel Stähli | Marketing and communication
+41 32 356 00 80 | +41 79 262 00 25 | d.staehli@avc-ch.org