»After one woman learned to sew and paint with us, she excitedly remarked, ›Now I know I'm capable of something other than cleaning our house!‹«
»After one woman learned to sew and paint with us, she excitedly remarked, ›Now I know I'm capable of something other than cleaning our house!‹«


The Kingdom of Morocco is considered a religiously tolerant state. Foreign religious communities can practice their non-Muslim faith openly. The situation is different for Moroccan Christians, however. Family and social pressure on »apostate« Muslims extends to expulsion from their families, disinheritance or withdrawal of custody rights. In addition, law makes proselytizing among Muslims a punishable offense.
We train a new generation of leaders in developing materials and courses for discipleship and church leadership
We train a new generation of leaders in developing materials and courses for discipleship and church leadership
We support local churches through evangelism and church planting
We support local churches through evangelism and church planting
Social Work Centers: We run training centers for women to gain manual skills, stronger self-confidence, and basics of the Christian faith more
Social Work Centers: We run training centers for women to gain manual skills, stronger self-confidence, and basics of the Christian faith more
Children's Ministry: sports activities, chore assistance and school trips
Children's Ministry: sports activities, chore assistance and school trips
Help after the earthquake in September 2023 more
Help after the earthquake in September 2023 more
Capital: Rabat
Area: 716 000 km2
Population: 37 Mio.
Life expectancy: 74 years
Children mortality: 19 (per 1000)
Alphabetization: 74 %
Religions: 99 % Muslims, 1 % other (including Christians and Jews)
Human Freedom Index: 134 / 165
April 17 2024
Zurück in die Zukunft
Der Marokkaner R. erleidet Verfolgung in seiner eigenen Familie. Obwohl er im Ausland sicherer ist, lässt ihn der Gedanke nicht los, dass er nach ...
January 24 2024
Das lange Leiden der Berber
Nach dem Erdbeben vom 9. September 2023 haben unsere marokkanischen Partner vier Mal die betroffene Region im Hohen Atlas besucht. Sie stellen fes ...
November 06 2023
Zu den Bergen
Mehrere Erdbeben haben in Marokko unzählige Opfer gefordert: über 2000 Tote, Tausende von Verletzten und Familien, die alles verloren haben. Heute ...
October 11 2023
SAT-7 tröstet, berichtet und vermittelt
Der Fernsehsender SAT-7 ruft in der arabischen Welt zum Gebet für die Opfer des verheerenden Erdbebens in Marokko auf. ...
April 17 2023
Eine einleuchtende Erklärung
Nichts ist unmöglich für Gott, und oft spricht er durch die Münder derer, die ihn gar nicht kennen. Freut euch mit uns über das schöne Erlebnis vo ...
November 09 2022
Kindergarten in Gefahr
Am 4. November erhielten wir einen dringenden Anruf von unserem Partner in Marokko. Er bat uns, für den Kindergarten zu beten, der erst vor einem ...
November 09 2022
Dreifach geächtet und verfolgt
In Marokko, einem durch und durch islamischen Staat, dessen König gleichzeitig das religiöse Oberhaupt ist, kann der christliche Glaube nicht in F ...
October 11 2022
Der lange Weg zur Liebe Gottes
Der Marokkaner Zinedine (Name geändert) ist Surflehrer. Vor einiger Zeit wohnte er in Marokko im Haus eines Freundes, der ihn wegen eines Krebslei ...
The Berbers in the High Atlas have felt abandoned since the earthquake, as the state earthquake aid has not reached them. Our local team regularly makes hour-long journeys to bring food, clothes, blankets and water. The fact that someone visits them and listens to them is greatly appreciated by the people. The time that the team spends with the locals is a precious factor in the missions: they testify that God loves them and has not forgotten them.
Our »Social Work Centers« have become the house of hope for many women. Here, women without school education learn to sew, paint and weave carpets. In addition, we teach them the basics of the Christian faith.
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